Output Products

Output Variable Overview

The main CLEDB inversion algorithm outputs are stored in the following variables:

  • specout

    12 SPECTRO_PROC output products. These are described here.

  • blosout

    4 BLOS_PROC output products. These are described here.

  • invout

    11 CLEDB_INVPROC output products. These are described here.

  • sfound

    11 CLEDB_INVPROC matched profile list. These are described here.

  • issuemask

    Records any issues that arise in processing for each pixel (to be implemented). The issuemask will be updated by both modules.


The global process followed to produce these outputs is sketched in The CLEDB Modules.

Tentative Issuemask Implementation

The inversion will implement a confidence/issue map of size [nx,ny] for all spatial pixels in an input observation that will be returned along with the main output products.


Issuemask encoding not currently active. Final form to be decided and implemented.

Example of issuemask coding:

Code 0

No apparent problem in pixel.

Code 1

One or more of Stokes I, Q, U are lower than noise RMS threshold.

Code 2

Stokes V is lower than noise RMS threshold.

Code 4

Linear polarization is close to Van-Vleck ambiguity (warning).

Code 8

B\(_{LOS}\) or \(\Phi_B\) is lower than noise threshold (for 1-line observations).

Code 16

Database fit failed to converge reliably (for 2-line obs).

Code 32

One or more of B, \(\Phi_B\), \(\Theta_B\) \(\vartheta\) \(\varphi\) are lower than noise threshold (for 2-line observations).

Code 64


Code 128


Encoding the information is done sequentially when progressing through the different modules. This will be done by using powers of 2. The issuemask values thus become cumulative. Following the sketch map encoding from above, we take for example a pixel from a 1-line observation with unreliable Stokes V signal. The uncertainty in Stokes V will also lead to compromised B\(_{LOS}\) information. Thus, the issuemask will encode a value of 10 for that respective pixel.