Input Variables and Parameters

Input Data and Metadata

header *keys

Set of input header metadata information that should describe the sobs_in variable. Expected keywords with simplified naming are detailed in this section. Detailed keyword information can be found for DKIST observations in the SPEC_0214 documentation.

*keys to crpixn [] int Reference pixel along x y or w (wavelength) direction.

*keys to crvaln [] float Coordinate value at crpix along x y or w (wavelength) direction.

*keys to cdeltn [] float Spatial (x,y) or spectral (w) platescale sampling along a direction.

*keys to linpolref [] float (0, 2\({\pi}\)) range; Direction of database reference for the linear polarization. linpolref = 0 implies the direction is corresponding to a horizontal axis, analogous to the unit circle reference. Direction is trigonometric. The units are in radians. This is controlled via ctrlparams.

*keys to instwidth [] float Measure of the utilized instrument’s intrinsic line broadening coefficient. The units are in nm. This is controlled via ctrlparams.

*keys to nline [] int Number of targeted lines; CLEDB can accept 1-line or 2-line observations.

*keys to tline [:12, nline] string array String array containing the name of lines to process. Naming convention follows the database directory structure defined as part of the CLEDB_BUILD module.

*keys to xs/naxis1 [] int Pixel dimension of sobs_in array along the horizontal spatial direction.

*keys to ys/naxis2 [] int Pixel dimension of sobs_in array along the vertical spatial direction.

*keys to ws [] int Pixel dimension of sobs_in array along the spectral dimension.

*keys to skybright [] float Sky brightness measurement used to judge observation quality and rms.

*keys to grtngba \& grtngang [] float The grating order and position; used to find central wavelength of input observation and judge suitability for inverting.

keyvals [16] list of variables

Packing of nx, ny, nw, nline, tline, crpix1, crpix2, crpix3, crval1, crval2, crval3, cdelt1, cdelt2, cdelt3, linpolref, instwidth in a list container to more easily feed the necessary keywords to other modules and/or functions.

sobs_in [nline][xs,ys,ws,4] float array; nline = 1 || 2 for (1-line) or (2-line)

sobs_in is passed as a numba typed list at input. Data are input Stokes IQUV observations of one or two lines respectively. The list will be internally reshaped as a numpy float array of [xs,ys,ws,4] or [xs,ys,ws,8] size.

Ctrl. Parameters Class

# """
# @author: Alin Paraschiv
# """

## To load the class: 

class ctrlparams:
    def __init__(self):
        ## general params
        self.dbdir        = '/home/noxpara/Documents/physics_prog/cle/db204_R0500_UPDT/'                  ## directory for database
        self.verbose      = 1                                                                             ## verbosity parameter
        ## Used in CLEDB_PREPINV
        self.integrated   = True                                                                          ## Boolean; parameter for switching to line-integrated data such as CoMP/uCoMP/COSMO 
        self.dblinpolref  = 0                                                                             ## Parameter for changing the database calculation linear reference. Should not need changing in normal situations. radian units.
        self.instwidth    = 0                                                                             ## Parameter for fine-correcting non-thermal widths if instrument widths are known or computed by user. nm units. 
        ## Used in CLEDB_PROC
        self.nsearch      = 4                                                                             ## number of closest solutions to compute
        self.maxchisq     = 1000                                                                          ## Stop computing solutions above this chi^2 threshold
        self.gaussfit     = 2                                                                             ## Gaussian parametric fitting to use instead of the standard CDF fitting
        self.bcalc        = 3                                                                             ## control parameter for computing the B magnitude for two line observations.
        self.reduced      = True                                                                          ## Boolean; parameter for reduced database search using linear polarization azimuth
        self.iqud         = True                                                                          ## Boolean; parameter for IQU + Doppled data matching when Stokes V is not measurable
        ##numba jit flags
        self.jitparallel  = True                                                                          ## Boolean; Enable or disable numba jit parralel interpreter
        self.jitcache     = False                                                                         ## Boolean; Jit caching for slightly faster repeated execution. Enable only after no changes to @jit functions are required. Otrherwise kernel restarts are needed to clear caches. 
        self.jitdisable   = False                                                                         ## Boolean; enable or disable numba jit entirely; Requires python kernel restart!
        import yaml                                                                                       ## Workaround to save the jitdisable keyword to a separate config file.
        names={'DISABLE_JIT' : self.jitdisable}                                                           ## Working kernel needs to be reset for numba to pick up the change
        with open('.numba_config.yaml', 'w') as file:                                                     ## more info on numba flags can be found here:
            yaml.dump(names, file)

Python class that unpacks control parameters used in all modules of the inversion setup. This is an editable imported module that users access and modify. The yaml import seen here is used to configure Numba global options.


The python importlib module is used in the example notebooks to reload changes.

General Parameters

dbdir [] string

Directory where the database is stored after being built with CLEDB_BUILD. This is the main directory containing all ions, and not one of the individual ion subdirectories (e.g. fe-xiii_1074, etc.).

verbose [] uint

Verbosity controlling parameter that takes vales 0-3. Levels are incremental (e.g. lev 3 includes outputs from levels 1 and 2).

  • verbose == 0: Production - Silent run.

  • verbose == 1: Interactive Production - Prints the current module, basic information, and loop steps along with operations currently being run. Global errors will produce a message.

  • verbose == 2: Debug - Enables additional warnings for common caveats and error messages. This will also enable execution timing for selected sections.

  • verbose == 3: Heavy Debug - Will reveal the pixel being run along with any issues or warnings detected at the pixel level. Output will be hard to navigate!

PREPINV Parameters

integrated [] boolean

To use for calibrated COMP/UCOMP data. In this case, the profiles are integrated across the line sampling points. This parameter defaults to 0 to be applicable to spectroscopic data such as DKIST.

dblinpolref [] rad

Assign the database reference direction of linear polarization. Angle direction is trigonometric. Values are in radians; e.g. 0 for horizontal ->0deg; np.pi/2 for vertical ->90deg rotation in linear polarization QU. Paraschiv & Judge, SolPhys, 2022 and the CLE <> database building functions conventionally use a vertical direction for the direction used in computing the database (at Z=0 plane) of dblinpolref =0. See CLE routine db.f line 120. If the database building reference direction is changed, this parameter needs to match that change.

instwidth [] nm

Instrumental line broadening/width in nm units should be included here if known. It is not clear at this point if this will be a constant or a varying keyword for one instrument. Setting a instwidth = 0 value will skip including an instrumental contribution when computing non-thermal widths (specout[:,:,:,9]) output in the SPECTRO_PROC module.

PROC Parameters

nsearch [] uint

Number of solutions to compute and return for each pixel.

maxchisq [] float

Stops searching for solutions in a particular pixel if fitting residuals surpassed this threshold.

gaussfit [] uint

Used to switch between CDF fitting and Gaussian parametric fitting with optimization.

  • gaussfit == 0: Process the spectroscopic line parameters using only the CDF method.

  • gaussfit == 1: Fit the line using an optimization based Gaussian procedure. This approach requires a set of 4 guess parameters. These are the approximate maximum of the emission (max of curve), the approximate wavelength of the core of the distribution(theoretical center of the line), its standard deviation (theoretical width of 0.16 nm), and an offset (optional, hard-coded as 0).

  • gaussfit == 2: (Default) Fit the line using a optimization based Gaussian procedure. In this case, the initial guess parameters are fed in from the results of the CDF solution. In this case, the curve fitting theoretically optimizes for a more accurate solution, with sub-voxel resolution.

bcalc [] uint

Controls how to compute the field strength in the case of 2-line observations.

  • bcalc == 0: Use the field strength ratio of the first coronal line in the list. Only applicable when Stokes V measurements exist; e.g. iqud is disabled.

  • bcalc == 1: Use the field strength ratio of the second coronal line in the list. Only applicable when Stokes V measurements exist; e.g. iqud is disabled.

  • bcalc == 2: Use the average of field strength ratios of the two coronal lines. Only applicable when Stokes V measurements exist; e.g. iqud is disabled.

  • bcalc == 3: Assigns the field strength from the Doppler oscillation inputs. Only applicable when iqud is enabled.

reduced [] boolean

Parameter to reduce the database size before searching for solutions by using the linear polarization measurements. Dimensionality of db is reduced by over 2 orders of magnitude, enabling significant speed-ups.


Below figure shows that the solution ordering, or even sistematic differences might be altered in certain circumstances when compared to a full search. This is occuring predominantly near field component reversals and around Van Vleck locii where meaningful solutions are harder to recover. 98% of pixels are not affected. Needlesly, even in the affected areas, the angle differences are modulo 2:math:pi, and thus the basic geometrical orientation would not be significantly altered.

iqud [] boolean

Switches the main matching function of CLEDB_PROC in order to utilize either Stokes V or Doppler oscillations to compute the magnetic field strength and orientation.

Numba Jit Parameters

jitparallel [] boolean

When Jit is enabled (jitdisable == False), it controls whether parallel loop-lifting allocations are requested, as opposed to just optimize the execution in single-thread-mode.

jitcache [] boolean

Jit caching for slightly faster repeated execution. Enable only after no changes to @jit or @njit functions are required. Otherwise kernel restarts are needed to clear caches.

jitdisable [] boolean

Debug parameter to control the enabling of Numba Just in Time compilation (JIT) decorators throughout. Higher level verbosity requires disabling the JIT decorators. This functionality can only be done via Numba GLOBAL flags that need to be written to a configuration file .numba_config.yaml. Any change of this parameter requires a kernel restart.

Constants Class

## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## """
## @author: Alin Paraschiv
## """
## TODO: update final form of constants and units

## To load the class: 

class Constants:
    def __init__(self,ion):
        ## Solar units in different projections
        #self.solar_diam_arc = 1919
        #self.solar_diam_deg = self.solar_diam_arc/3600.
        #self.solar_diam_rad= np.deg2rad(0.0174533self.solar_diam_deg)
        #self.solar_diam_st = 2.*np.pi*(1.-np.cos(self.solar_diam_rad/2.))

        ##Physical constants
        self.l_speed       = 2.9979e+8                     ## speed of light [m s^-1]
        self.kb            = 1.3806488e-23                 ## Boltzmann constant SI [m^2 kg s^-2 K^-1];
        self.e_mass        = 9.10938356e-31                ## Electron mass SI [Kg]
        self.e_charge      = 1.602176634e-19               ## Electron charge SI [C]
        self.bohrmagneton  = 9.274009994e-24*1.e-4         ## Bohr magneton [kg⋅m^2⋅s^−2 G^-1]; Mostly SI; T converted to G;
        self.planckconst   = 6.62607004e-34                ## Planck's constant SI [m^2 kg s^-1];

        # ion/line specific constants
        if (ion == "fe-xiii_1074"):
            self.ion_temp = 6.25                      ## Ion temperature SI [K]; li+2017<--Chianti
            self.ion_mass = 55.847*1.672621E-27       ## Ion mass SI [Kg] 
            self.line_ref = 1074.62686                ## CLE Ion referential wavelength [nm]
            #self.line_ref = 1074.68                   ## Ion referential wavelength [nm]
            self.width_th = self.line_ref/self.l_speed*(4.*0.69314718*self.kb*(10.**self.ion_temp)/self.ion_mass)**0.5   ## Line thermal width 
            self.F_factor= 0.0                             ## Dima & Schad 2020 Eq. 9
   = 1.5                                  ## upper level g factor
   = 1                                    ## lower level g factor
            self.ju = 1                                    ## upper level angular momentum
            self.jl = 0                                    ## lower level angular momentum
            self.g_eff=0.5*(*(*(self.ju*(self.ju+1)-self.jl*(self.jl+1))    ## LS coupling effective Lande factor; e.g. Landi& Landofi 2004 eg 3.44; Casini & judge 99 eq 34

        elif (ion == "fe-xiii_1079"):
            self.ion_temp = 6.25                      ## Ion temperature SI [K]; li+2017<--Chianti
            self.ion_mass = 55.847*1.672621E-27       ## Ion mass SI [Kg] 
            self.line_ref = 1079.78047                ## CLE Ion referential wavelength [nm]
            #self.line_ref = 1079.79                   ## Ion referential wavelength [nm]
            self.width_th = self.line_ref/self.l_speed*(4.*0.69314718*self.kb*(10.**self.ion_temp)/self.ion_mass)**0.5  ## Line thermal width 
            self.F_factor= 0.0                        ## Dima & Schad 2020 Eq. 9
   = 1.5                             ## upper level g factor
   = 1.5                             ## lower level g factor
            self.ju = 2                               ## upper level angular momentum
            self.jl = 1                               ## lower level angular momentum
            self.g_eff=0.5*(*(*(self.ju*(self.ju+1)-self.jl*(self.jl+1))    ## LS coupling effective Lande factor; e.g. Landi& Landofi 2004 eg 3.44; Casini & judge 99 eq 34

        elif (ion == "si-x_1430"):
            self.ion_temp = 6.15                      ## Ion temperature SI [K]; li+2017<--Chianti
            self.ion_mass = 28.0855*1.672621E-27      ## Ion mass SI [Kg] 
            self.line_ref = 1430.2231                 ## CLE Ion referential wavelength [nm] ;;needs to be double-checked with most current ATOM
            #self.line_ref = 1430.10                   ## Ion referential wavelength [nm]
            self.width_th = self.line_ref/self.l_speed*(4.*0.69314718*self.kb*(10.**self.ion_temp)/self.ion_mass)**0.5  ## Line thermal width 
            self.F_factor= 0.5                        ## Dima & Schad 2020 Eq. 9
   = 1.334                           ## upper level g factor
   = 0.665                           ## lower level g factor
            self.ju = 1.5                             ## upper level angular momentum
            self.jl = 0.5                             ## lower level angular momentum
            self.g_eff=0.5*(*(*(self.ju*(self.ju+1)-self.jl*(self.jl+1))    ## LS coupling effective Lande factor; e.g. Landi& Landofi 2004 eg 3.44; Casini & judge 99 eq 34

        elif (ion == "si-ix_3934"):
            self.ion_temp = 6.05                      ## Ion temperature SI [K]; li+2017<--Chianti
            self.ion_mass = 28.0855*1.672621E-27      ## Ion mass SI [Kg] 
            self.line_ref = 3926.6551                 ## CLE Ion referential wavelength [nm] ;;needs to be double-checked with most current ATOM
            #self.line_ref = 3934.34                   ## Ion referential wavelength [nm]
            self.width_th = self.line_ref/self.l_speed*(4.*0.69314718*self.kb*(10.**self.ion_temp)/self.ion_mass)**0.5  ## Line thermal width 
            self.F_factor= 0.0                        ## Dima & Schad 2020 Eq. 9
   = 1.5                             ## upper level g factor
   = 1                               ## lower level g factor
            self.ju = 1                               ## upper level angular momentum
            self.jl = 0                               ## lower level angular momentum
            self.g_eff=0.5*(*(*(self.ju*(self.ju+1)-self.jl*(self.jl+1))    ## LS coupling effective Lande factor; e.g. Landi& Landofi 2004 eg 3.44; Casini & judge 99 eq 34
            print("Not supported ion or wrong string. Ion not Fe fe-xiii_1074, fe-xiii_1079, si-x_1430 or si-ix_3934.\nIon specific constants not returned!")

Python class that unpacks physical constants needed during the inversion. The constants are mainly utilized by the SPECTRO_PROC and BLOS_PROC modules. Ion specific and general atomic and plasma constant parameters are packed herein. The class self-initializes for each requested ion providing its ion specific parameters in a dynamic fashion.

Physical Constants

solar_diam [float*4]

Solar diameter in arcsecond, degrees, radians, and steradian units.

l_speed [] float

Speed of light; Units in SI [m s\(^{-1}\)]

kb [] float

Boltzmann constant; Units in SI [m\(^{-2}\) kg s\(^{-2}\) K\(^{-1}\)]

e_mass [] float

Electron mass; Units in SI [Kg]

e_charge [] float

Electron charge; Units in SI [C]

planckconst [] float

Planck’s constant; Units in SI [m\(^{-2}\) kg s\(^{-1}\)]

bohrmagneton [] float

Bohr Magneton; Units in mostly in SI. T converted to Gauss units [kg m\(^{-2}\) s\(^{-2}\) G\(^{-1}\)]

Ion Specific Constants


Four sets of these constants are provisioned for the four possible lines to invert.

ion_temp [] float

Ion temperature; Units in SI [K]

ion_mass [] float

Ion mass; Units in SI [Kg]

line_ref [] float

Theoretical line core wavelength position; Units in [nm]


Simulation examples might have different set line centers based on the spectral synthesis code used. Doppler shift products might not compute correctly.

width_th [] float

Thermal width analytical approximation; Units in [nm]

F_factor [] float

Additional factor described by Dima & Schad, ApJ, 2020. Useful when calculating LOS products in the BLOS_PROC module

gu and gl [] float

LS coupling atomic upper and lower energy levels factors

ju and jl [] float

Atomic upper and lower level angular momentum terms

g_eff [] float

LS coupling effective Land\(\acute{e}\) g factor